Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Soooooooooo Many Art Projects

I currently am working on about 4 projects. I don't want to dump any one of them, but I can't do them all on a regular basis and there is no way I can combine any two of them. For example: I have one comic going about a family of aliens with a story line similar to that of the Jetson's, and on the other hand I have a council of all powerful and immortal dragon lords appointing an army of ninjas to save themselves from the hands of the ever destructive humans slowly destroying and polluting the environments they call home...

The worst part of all of this is that every day that any one of these lies dormant I find myself slowly slipping into insanity.

Ok, I really need to calm down...

Oh dang it, I just gave out a


1 comment:

  1. i thought you were insane.... oh anyway im not sure if i can come to your birthday party but i just might be able to make it (even though i may have to fight for it) anyway (again) what do you want for your birthday? nice pictures the bar is my favorite though.


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